The Lord Jesus has come into the world to bestow upon us grace and life-everlasting. At each Christmas we celebrate not only Jesus’ human birth, but the birth of our salvation. Indeed, we celebrate the mystery of the incarnation at every Mass. As the priest prepares the chalice adding a few drops of water to the wine he says this prayer: ‘by the mystery of this water and wine, may we come to share in the divinity of Christ who humbled Himself to share in our humanity.’ This is a great summary of the meaning of Christmas. God descends to us, so as to elevate us to Himself, making us, by His grace, sharers in His own divinity. How can we not rejoice at so great a gift? There is literally nothing greater that God could possibly have bestowed upon us. At every Christmas the Church proclaims with one voice: Jesus Christ our Lord in indeed Emmanuel: God with us! May we, for our part, be one with Him, in heart, mind and soul.
This year, while on retreat, I completed a painting that I had started about 12 years ago, which I titled ‘Corpus Christi’ (the Body of Christ). This rather florid, Renaissance-inspired Madonna and Child, has one unique iconographic detail: the Christ Child raises a hand in blessing and with the other hand holds a host. In Jesus Christ the “Word became flesh” (Jn 1:14) through the Blessed Virgin Mary. Jesus came into the world to give us the gift of Himself, which we sacramentalise every time we come to receive the Body of Christ in the Eucharist. May our worthy and devout reception of Our Lord in Holy Communion renew within us our desire to welcome Christ into our hearts and lives.
As we near the end of 2024 I would like to take the opportunity to convey my heart-felt gratitude to all the many parishioners who contribute to the life of the parish in so many ways: Sacristans, altar servers, choir, money collectors and counters, groundsmen, church cleaners, care-group, prayer groups, readers, those who serve on the various parish committees (Pastoral council, Finance council, safeguarding committee, social committee), the Society of St Vincent de Paul, Healesville Care Group, and the list goes on! Without your support the parish could not survive, much less flourish as it does through the generosity of your time, talents, and financial support. A special word of thanks also to the parish secretary, Stephanie Johnson, for her tireless work juggling a hundred different responsibilities in keeping the parish on track.
With God’s abundant blessings may we continue to grow as a parish in faith, hope and love. Wishing you and your families a safe, joyful and peaceful Christmas and every blessing for 2025!